3 Standard carnations
3 Stems of leather leaf
1 Stem of
baby's breath
1 bud vase

1) Fill the bud vase with water (1/2)
2) Take one piece of leather & place it towards the back of the vase
3) Take 2 other pieces of leather & place them on the left &
right of the first piece. Make sure they are shorter than the first so they create a "triangle"
4) Take 1 standard carnation & insert it into the vase
5) Place another carnation towards the lip of the vase
6) Take your last carnation & cut it to a medium height & place it between the 2 flowers
7) Add baby's breath

12 Standard Carnations
3 Stems of Baby's breath
3 Stems of Leather Leaf

1. Layout the leather lead on on top of the other
2. Create the diamond shape that is on your board with your flowers
3. Add Baby's breath in between the flowers
4. Take your wire and wire the bunch together
5. Cut the

12 Stems of Standard Carnation
6 Stems of leather leaf
3 stems of Baby's Breath Million Star
1 Rose Vase
Waterproof Tape

1. Secure waterproof tape to the top of the vase. Create a "grid"
2. Place 4 stems of leather on bottom, collar the vase
3. Add the other 2 pieces of leather straight into the arrangement
4. Take your tallest flower & put it in the middle of your grid
5. Take 4 carnations & cut them so they're slightly shorter than the first
6. Place the 4 carnations in a square formation around the top carnation
7. Take the other carnations & cut them so they're shorter than the other four.
8. Place the 7 carnations in "window" form under the 4 middle carnations
9. Add baby's breath to your arrangement to fill in the blank areas
10. Place arrangement on the floor and make sure

1-3 Roses
1 Stem of Baby's breath
1 Clear box

1. Take a single rose & place it into the plastic box.
2. Take the stem of baby's breath & place it on top of the rose.
3. Close the box & tape the paper on the plastic box.
4. Place the arrangements